Melanie Swayn Melanie Swayn

Aargh, when life gets a bit busy and you seem to be juggling too many balls….

Sometimes life gets busy and we end up not being able to fit everything in. (For me it is the things that I am passionate about, haha, that aren't making me money yet that seem to fall by the way side). And today I just wanted to share that that is OK. People talk a lot about balance in life.. And while I believe that there is a need for balance - life doesn't really fit into this category all of the time. I like to think of life as an ebb and flow. Sometimes life flows, sometimes we need to put our focus and energy into something hard out for a while and other things fall off and then life will come back to some sort of balance later when it needs to.

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Self Care Melanie Swayn Self Care Melanie Swayn

Learning to accept exactly where you are now, may just be what your body needs to heal…

Sometimes you get that aha moment when you have a realisation that just makes so much sense.

I was at my Osteo the other day and she was talking about the inner fight we have that makes us want to be better, for things to be different, how we are not very good at accepting what is going on in our lives or our bodies, how we are always striving for more, for better for things to be different and the havoc that this can cause in our beautiful temples.

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Communication Melanie Swayn Communication Melanie Swayn

How to come from a place of kindness when all we want to do is yell and scream!!

So one of the things that I am trying to talk to my girls about is making sure that they are able to communicate well. That they are able to communicate their needs and their feelings easily. I want them to be able to share this with those around them when they need to and I sure as hell don’t want them to feel any guilt about this.

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Self Care Melanie Swayn Self Care Melanie Swayn

Feeling a little frazzled? Let’s have a closer look at stress and what it does to us.

How is that glorious life of yours looking after lock down? Have you made the changes that you wanted to, when you had so much time to just sit and think about what was important to you and what wasn’t. Remember those things you said, like, hey I am not going to do this anymore, I am going to make some changes to my life when we go back to “normal”? Well I was just wondering whether you had made those changes or not??? Just wondering…..

Anyway, today I wanted to share with you some of the stages of burn out and what they look like because in our quest to be everything to everyone and have everything all at once we often seem to get caught up in doing everything now, having everything now which can often leave us chasing our tails and feeling a little frazzled.

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Nutrition Melanie Swayn Nutrition Melanie Swayn

What the heck should I be eating?

Not really sure whether you should be eating something or not? Can your friends and family eat certain things that just make you feel yuck when you try them? The latest fad diet doesn’t seem to sit well with you???

Your body is always giving you lots of signs about what it is loving and what it is not enjoying so much and I want to help you to decipher these little messages a little bit easier.

So other than teaching you to follow a certain diet, I want you to be able to decipher what works best for you. Now, I am not going back to basics, we all pretty much know that we need to be eating lots of fruit and veg and protein, carbs and now I hope you all know that fat is good right (good fat I mean!!!). What I want to cover today is food sensitivities that are causing inflammation in your body…

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Motivation Melanie Swayn Motivation Melanie Swayn

Are you ready to put into action all of those amazing ideas you had during lockdown?

Did you have some really amazing thoughts of how you wanted your life to look after lock down? Did you get visions of how things could be better? How could you slow your life down? How could you do things a little bit differently?

I am with you my gorgeous peeps. I personally loved lock down and was very privileged to have an amazing experience of slowing all things down during this time. I must admit that I felt a little bit of mourning when my girls went off to school today… I am not ready…. I am going to really miss them.

If you are with me on this and you are ready to make some changes to your life, then now is the time. Now is the time to put into practice the little knocks that have been coming to your door during lock down.

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Women's Health Melanie Swayn Women's Health Melanie Swayn

Have you heard of seed cycling?

Well I certainly hadn’t heard anything about seed cycling, then all of a sudden, you see it once and then you notice it everywhere… So I am here to tell you a little bit about seed cycling and how it can help you..

Seed Cycling is an effective and gently way to support your hormones and has been used for a very long time. Seed cycling can be used at any stage of your life and is greatly beneficial when you are coming off the pill or if your cycle is out of kilter and/or if you are having painful periods. Cool, sounds like something we could all use at some stage in our lives.

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Meditation Melanie Swayn Meditation Melanie Swayn

Miraculous Meditation

Not sure whether meditation is a thing for you? Think you are too busy to carve out some time in your day to meditate? If you think that meditation is just another woo-woo thing that people are doing.. Think again, there is now lots of scientific evidence showing us the amazing benefits meditation can bring.

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Nutrition Melanie Swayn Nutrition Melanie Swayn

Healing your relationship with food

Food is such an emotional thing. We are all attached to food in someway, whether it is looking at food and thinking it is going to make you fat, whether you don’t care about it at all and you eat whatever you like, whether you have dietary restrictions, forced or chosen, foods being used as a reward system, there are so many different emotional feelings that go with food.

I must admit that I do offer people other changes in their lifestyle sometimes as there is no emotional attachment to some of these other things BUT we can not move far from our food. Food can be one of the simplest and easiest ways to heal your body - however healing your relationship with food and what it means to you will help you to nourish your beautiful temple with all it needs.

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Detox Melanie Swayn Detox Melanie Swayn

Dry Brushing

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins and waste. The lymphatic system transports lymph (fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells) throughout the body.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that removing unwanted toxins from the body is a good thing.

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Motivation Melanie Swayn Motivation Melanie Swayn

Two words to be careful of

Be aware of these two words.....

I know

There have been so many times when I think who am I to help others? Who am I to offer advice? There are so many people out there that are more knowledgeable and more qualified than me. But then I also know that there are MORE people out there that are not listening.

When we look at the stats on diabetes, heart disease, cancer, suicide, depression etc the numbers are sky rocketing. So clearly people are not listening to these knowledgeable people. And if they are listening, if they are taking notice, if they know this stuff they are simply not putting it into practice.

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Women's Health Melanie Swayn Women's Health Melanie Swayn

A little share..

Hey there

I just wanted to share with you all my little changes that I have been making with my "letting go" of stuff. As I have said in earlier posts, one of the big things that has stuck with me while learning about our cycles and also going into perimenopause is about using our cycles to their full potential. The one big thing that I don’t think we learn enough about is letting go of stuff that is no longer any use for us. And that during the “winter’ period of our cycle (when we have our period) is the perfect time to let go of stuff so that we can move into our next cycle without the stuff that we no longer need.

Like anything, it is easy to read about these things but putting them into practice doesn’t always happen. Well this month - probably with the help of some down time with lock down I have been able to put some things into practice.

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Recipes Melanie Swayn Recipes Melanie Swayn

Nut Butter Fudge

This is one of my favourite recipes to have in the freezer for when you just need something sweet. Filled with lots of healthy oils and protein (and a little bit of sweetness). There are so many different recipes for these out there but pretty much all with the same result.

My favourite way is with a crunchy nut butter, then it tastes similar to a peanut slab (haha a treat I used to enjoy with my Dad!!!).

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Motivation Melanie Swayn Motivation Melanie Swayn

Playing above the line

Playing above the line is a concept that I learnt about in my early 30’s. I hadn’t heard about it before, and I guess the majority of the time I was playing above the line, I just didn’t know about it. Although, like anyone there were times (and still are) were I sink down and play below the line. This little guideline for playing above the line was definately the major topic in our Skills for Success progamme last year with around 5 speakers talking about playing above the line (lucky kids to be learning this stuff from the age of 12!).

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Melanie Swayn Melanie Swayn

Using the Seasons

As I wandered around my back yard this morning, I was looking at all of the glorious colours of Autumn. This time of the year is so beautiful, it is such a lovely colourful time.

With it comes a little bit of sadness as it is a time when we know that soon the leaves will fall and soon we will be heading into winter with less daylight and colder whether.

But this year I looked at the amazing colours and knew that I was going into Autumn and Winter with a completely different perspective.

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Melanie Swayn Melanie Swayn

Reducing our Toxic Load

Toxins are real, we are surrounded by them wherever we look. They are in the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink, the products we put on our skin, the products we use around our houses.

Some people seem to say that this is OK and that our body can remove toxins. But if we actually look at what is going on, we will see that our bodies are not handling this at all.

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Melanie Swayn Melanie Swayn

Choose your words and thoughts carefully

Todays Tip - Choose your words and thoughts carefully

Be careful what you wish for. Is that a familiar phase for you all. Well it should be, because what we wish for sure can come true.

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Melanie Swayn Melanie Swayn

The Great Female Balancing Act

OK so this took a bit of editing and playing around with as my thoughts jumbled around the place to get to where I want to be with this article without being too woo-woo.

Someone asked me the other day, what was it that I was passionate about in my Health Coaching. I didn’t have to think about it for long….

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Melanie Swayn Melanie Swayn

Stop the Comparing

Tip of the Day - Stop comparing.

I know this is something that we can all be guilty of. And even taking time before the lock down. Comparing ourselves with others. Looking at what they have, looking at what they achieve and seem to do.

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Melanie Swayn Melanie Swayn

Slip Ups Happen

Hello my gorgeous peeps.

Another day in lock down and we are over the half way mark, which is awesome. Well done everyone...

Today I am grateful for all the down time I am getting (because I am aware that there are others - essential workers - who are not getting down time at the moment). This time is giving me time to think and create as well as spend time with my gorgeous family. THANK you thank you thank you universe for slowing us down..

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