Two words to be careful of

Be aware of these two words.....

I know

There have been so many times when I think who am I to help others? Who am I to offer advice? There are so many people out there that are more knowledgeable and more qualified than me. But then I also know that there are MORE people out there that are not listening.

When we look at the stats on diabetes, heart disease, cancer, suicide, depression etc the numbers are sky rocketing. So clearly people are not listening to these knowledgeable people. And if they are listening, if they are taking notice, if they know this stuff they are simply not putting it into practice.

When you listen to something and you say - Oh I already know that - your brain tends to turn off and all you hear is blah, blah, blah….. If you have heard the stuff before, if you already know what you are listening too then take the time to think - what extra can I get out of this? What is one thing I can take away from this? AND the big one …… I know this stuff BUT am I putting it into practice? Am I actually doing something with the knowledge that I already have.

I was part of a water ski school for years and the one thing that we talked about at the coaching meetings was that we are often saying the same thing, we are wanting the same results for the students. So in essence we are all telling them the same thing, it may just be that we say it in a slightly different way to the coach beforehand and that this time it clicked for the student and they got it.

So I am going to step away from my fear of who am I to share this knowledge with people and I am going to put my learnings out there for people to listen to. I am doing this in the hope that one person will listen and one person will make a change to their life. That they will be the one who is ready to put their knowledge into practice - to take the step of knowing something already and actually doing something with it.

None of what I teach is made up by me. I am simply sharing what I have learnt along the way on my journey to health and wellbeing (and I continue to learn and grow and to get better). So I share with you the things that have resonated with me and helped me to become a better person.

You will have learnt a lot of these things along the way as well. You will know a lot of the things that I am sharing. I am fully aware of that. But there is a big difference between knowing something and actually putting something into practice. So watch out for the words "I know".

So I am going to be that little knock on your door, I am the little tap on your shoulder from the universe saying...



  • Are you ready to put what you know into practice? Are you ready to apply this knowledge to your life to make your life the best life possible.?


Because I have lost the fear of failure. I have lost the fear that I am not good enough or that I am going to be judged for not having enough knowledge, that I am not worthy to share this information with you because I am just another little tap on your shoulder. I am that little tap to let you know that you are already aware of this info and that you are capable of putting this stuff into practice.

That NOW is the time to make the changes.

Go forward today and commit to change, commit to putting into practice all the stuff that you have feared doing or that you know you should do but you just weren't ready.

What is this going to look like for you? What challenges are you ready to take on in your life? Is it health changes? Is it a business you want to start? What dreams have you been putting off? Listen to the taps on the shoulder, listen to what the universe is telling you, it happens for a reason.

Make today exceptional

With love, joy and a little tap on the shoulder




Dry Brushing


A little share..