
Hey there

I am that girl who everyone looks at and thinks.. Wow, she does some crazy stuff.  What crazy detox is she on now???   What foods is she avoiding??  

Haha and I guess I am the one lacking in dinner invites because I seem to be too hard to cook for and no one quite knows what I will be eating or not… and you know what? they might just be right. However….

I have never tried to do things the way others do it, I have always tried to be a little different in the way I approach things and my health has always been the same.

Trying to find out why I get migraines at a young age, led me on the path of health and wellbeing and really finding that food plays a massive role in how we are feeling.

And believe me, it has taken me a while. Call me a slow learner although I have definitely learnt some great tools along the way!


I was that Mum who was trying to do everything – be the best Mum ever, run a successful business, cook meals from scratch, run around after the kids and entertain other people all the time…. Well guess what…

The universe had a different course for me….

Knocking me down with adrenal burn out, crushing me with Candida(that I had unsuccessfully been trying to rid myself of for years) and just putting me into a  state of depression and anxiety.  This was the universes way of saying STOP..

Time to take your life back into control and to get on top of your health.

Two choices right?????

Either you can carry on like you are and end up in a hole 6 ft under or make some changes to your life and get yourself well again.

So it has been a bit of a journey since 2016 and I am pleased to say that I have made massive improvements in my health, am feeling more balanced and know that I am working towards better and better health all the time.


Don’t you worry, the universe still sends me some messages telling me I have plenty more work to do but I am here to do the work and happy that I am still getting the feedback. 

My healing has been about a never ending urge to find out more, do more reading, do more soul searching on all levels.   Healing is a journey and it is different for everyone.   I have learnt some great tricks along the way and now I want to share that with you, to help you to live the most vibrant and healthy life that you can.  

Because it is there for you, just waiting for you to step up and take control. 

So with that, have a look through my site and see what you like and see if there is something that I can help you with.

I would love to help you discover the best life you can…

With love and blessings

