In this 12 Weeks to Vibrant Health Programme you will learn how to harness your inner goddess, detoxify your precious body and sleep like a baby. It is time to get your vibrant gorgeous self back.

12 Weeks to Vibrant Health

Do you remember when you felt gorgeous, had piles of energy and the world was your oyster? Not sure where it all went wrong? Not feeling your best but still having to carry on like a trooper anyway? Always feeling like you are running around after everyone and never having the time for yourself?

If this fast paced life and doing everything for everyone else is starting to take a toll on your health, well-being and vitality then this is the programme for you.

I am here to help you because I have been there too. I have been there, not listened to the knocks at my door until my health was taken right out from under me. My aim is to teach you how to get your vibrant gorgeous health back again so you can take back the control of your life.

Using a combination of age old principals and wisdom I look forward to working with you to create an individualised plan together, taking into consideration your current lifestyle, your current needs. You get to choose what is going to work for you and together we can design a programme where you not only heal yourself but you also learn how to continue to do this moving forward, you will learn to be in control of your health for the rest of your life.

What’s included in your Personalised Wellness Plan?

Let’s take a look at the following

  • What is your health history?

  • What symptoms are you feeling?

  • Is there something that got you to where you are now? What can we discover?

  • Let’s look at the root causes

  • Find ways to get your body back in balance, start by removing toxins and replacing deficiencies

  • Give you a wellness toolkit in order to give your gorgeous body just what it needs.

  • We will work through our proven Integrative Health Practitioner Programme

  • Easy and healthy recipes that will help you to heal

  • Handouts and resources to help you understand your journey

  • Accountability and email support between your sessions

  • 2 x 60 minutes online consultations

  • 2 x 30 minute online consultations

Wellbeing Investment


Should you wish to carry on with your health and wellbeing journey we can discuss how best to make this happen

Please note, pricing doesn’t include any recommeded foods, supplements or lab tests