I have been dreaming about health retreats and spas since I was about 15 and I have been discovering ways to improve my health and well-being since then.

It is not just a passion of mine it is a way of life……

Have I had some hiccups along the way? You bet ya! Has the universe thrown me some curve balls along the way when I wasn’t listening - It sure has!!

and what has it made me do???

It has made me more determined to find a way to heal my body and to help others to do the same.

Here is how my journey is playing out so far….

From the age of 8, I suffered debilitating migraines.. I soon discovered that food helped me to control my migraines. Here started the journey of discovery into food.

My journey with health and wellbeing went through different stages as I grew and changed. My teens and 20’s was about my fitness and passion for sports. Namely representing NZ at Water Ski Racing - During this time I learnt a lot about SPORTS NUTRITION AND PSYCHOLOGY . I learnt a lot about what it takes to be successful and how to achieve anything you set your mind to.

A Change of Path

I left a corporate career to pursue a Degree in Sport and Exercise Science.

Wow, finally I had found something that I truly loved - Learning about the body and how it worked, how you fueled it, and how you set goals and worked with your head space to achieve the best outcomes possible.

I loved my degree and excelled in this space graduating at the top of my class. While studying I also offered Corporate Health and Fitness programmes, Individual Personal Training, Sports Coaching and Massage Therapy

Always finding ways to fit in the health and wellbeing side of things I then went on to be the Green Prescription Area Manager- teaching and encouraging Doctors to prescribe exercise as a form of medicine.

Rock on my late 20’s and it was time to start a family. While putting into practice some of what I had learnt, I loved being a mother.

I also started putting my research skills and determination into property investing and into a business with my husband Quent. During this time we both did lots of courses in property investing, business entrepreneurship, and thrived on reading learning and attending courses that helped us to be at the top of our game.

The gems that we have learnt along the way are what have helped us to achieve a life where we are financially free and happy. Wanting to share what we had learnt along the way,


Share it

With a passion to lead an abundant and healthy life and to help others do the same saw me create the Skills for Success Programme where I go into our local school and talk to them about ways to achieve more out of life.

I have been speaking to students and bringing in other entrepreneurs and leaders for over 7 years now. We share our knowledge with the students and give them tip bits to take into their own lives.

A programme that I am super proud of and love being a part of. It is so rewarding to be able to share this with the students and to see them buzzing from what they are learning.

A life more balanced

These days you are more likely to find me taking a casual walk or doing yoga in my lounge.

I have spent the last 15 years really focusing on health and wellbeing. I have been researching, reading, podcasting, attending workshops, events and courses in order to improve my health and lead a full and rewarding life.

I am a Certified Integrative Health Practitioner (Level 1) and I am currently studying at Level 2.

It is with this knowledge that I have truly helped to heal my body and now I want to be able to help others to do the same..