These are my favourite Functional Medicine Products

It’s important to understand that not all nutritional supplements are created equal. For example, in a Functional Medicine practice only methylated or highly bio-available vitamins and minerals will be used in order to make it easy for the body to utilize. Not only do these formula get better results, but they do not build up as toxins in the body or simply get excreted in the urine like most cheaper forms… 


Whole Body Detox

The Dr. Cabral Detox (DCD) is “The Most Powerful, Scientifically Researched, Full-Body Detoxification, Weight Loss & Wellness System Ever Created."

This is the exact 7, 14, or 21-day protocol that Dr. Cabral uses in his practice to help people lose weight, get well, or reverse the aging process.


Heavy Metal Detox Protocol


  • (1) Chlorella

  • (1) Cilantro

  • (1) FloraFilm

  • (1) Alkalizing Vitamin C

  • (1) Dr. Cabral's Exclusive Heavy Metal Detox Protocol

* Lasts approximately 6 weeks


Candida and Bacterial Optimizer Protocol

When we feel our best, everything else in life falls into place. But if you are one of the many dealing with gut and digestion problems, then you know first-hand how the stress can take over your life. In today’s culture where antibiotics, poor food choices, birth control, artificial sweeteners, and other gut toxins are on the rise, it’s not surprising that our GI can be impacted and fall out of balance. That’s where our scientifically validated and comprehensive 90-day protocol can help -- by addressing the root cause of your gut, digestion and related health issues, so you can live the healthy and happy life you deserve.


Intestinal Cleanse

Do you suffer from constipation or hard to pass stools? Or are you looking to remove years of built-up accumulated toxic waste? This is the same intestinal cleanse protocol I use in my Boston practice to get people results.


Para Support Protocol

Trying to kill and remove gut bugs is not as simple as taking a few herbs like black/green walnut and hoping that you’ve done the job. By following this scientifically researched herbal & biofilm enzyme protocol I’ve been able to help my private wellness clients take back control of their gut and remove unwanted pathogens.


  • (1) Biocidin

  • (1) FloraFilm

  • (1) ParaPro Support

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Functional Medicine Tests

Lab testing is not about diagnosing disease but instead looking for underlying root causes of your symptoms, including low energy, gut or mood disturbances, sleep issues and weight gain. The labs are mailed right to your doorstep and can be completed at your home. At this point you will receive a detailed, yet simple to follow Bio-individualised Wellness Plan based on your results and symptoms. This is the first step to unlocking your health, optimising your wellness and taking control of your vitality.

At this stage you will go through your Lab results with a Qualified Level II Practitioner (Soon to be me). I am happy to help you to choose the best lab test for you.


Lifestyle Gift Set

While high-quality nutrition and supplements are a key component to your wellness routine, they are only one piece of the puzzle. For the first time ever we are excited to debut a suite of Dr. Cabral’s personal lifestyle product must-haves, created exclusively for Equilibrium Nutrition!

The Holiday Lifestyle Gift Bundle includes (1) EN ProStak Shaker Bottle, (1) Blue Light Blocker Glasses, (1) Supplement Box, (1) Luxury-Dry Brush Spa Package, and (1) Ayurvedic Tongue Scraper.


The Rain Barrel Effect

Discover the 6,000 year old secret to finally getting well, losing weight and feeling alive again! Every year we spend more and more on healthcare, research and pharmaceuticals, yet every year the rate of auto-immune, Alzheimer's, digestive disorders, diabetes and diseases of all types continue to rise. Soon 1 out of 2 people will get cancer in their life time and 2 out 3 people will be overweight. Clearly what we're doing is not working and there must be something that's being overlooked... It turns out the answer is simpler than we think and it lies in the oldest form of medicine in the world. The Rain Barrel Effect explains exactly how we get sick, put on weight, and begin to breakdown over time, as well as how to reverse that process and take back control of your life!