A little share..
Hey there
I just wanted to share with you all my little changes that I have been making with my "letting go" of stuff. As I have said in earlier posts, one of the big things that has stuck with me while learning about our cycles and also going into perimenopause is about using our cycles to their full potential. The one big thing that I don’t think we learn enough about is letting go of stuff that is no longer any use for us. And that during the “winter’ period of our cycle (when we have our period) is the perfect time to let go of stuff so that we can move into our next cycle without the stuff that we no longer need.
Like anything, it is easy to read about these things but putting them into practice doesn’t always happen. Well this month - probably with the help of some down time with lock down I have been able to put some things into practice.
This month I actually started to take some wisdom from my readings and start to let things go during the winter of my cycle.... And wow, there have been some pretty cool things that have come up.
I have remembered all sorts of things that have come up from when I was younger. The times that someone was nasty to me, the times when someone did something behind my back. The times when I wasn't an angel and behaved in a not so nice way. The death of family members, the small things that were said around the dinner table, the small things that you just picked up along the way. The times when someone told you you were not good enough, not bright enough, not pretty enough…. Do I need to go on???
It has been a really interesting time.....
Remembering some of this stuff but not getting attached to it in any way. I saw it for what it was and just mentally let it go. Hey, I am not sure how you are meant to really let it go, but I just had a little mantra that I used to let it go. I just said "thanks for the experience and the learning, you are no longer serving me in anyway and I let you go" Maybe a little bit too woo woo there but I thought that I would just give it a go and see what happens.
It has been great. I have felt a release and feel lighter for doing it.
The other thing that I have been doing at the same time is work on my "inner child". Again, I haven't really done a huge amount of reading on healing your inner child, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if your child was going through some of the things that happened to you as a child then you would want to give them a big hug and tell them how much they are loved and how much you love them. You would want to tell them how awesome they are and that you believe in them and all that they want to become....
So again, I have just been doing that as I let things go. I have been telling my inner child that I love her, that I am here for her and that she is super awesome.....
So I know that some of this might be a little bit crazy and weird but I just thought "why not" I don't have anything to lose. It has been a really cool experience and I have loved doing it. I have loved doing the work to get rid of anything that is no longer serving me.
No more hang ups about shit that happened years ago (even if we think we don't hold onto anything anymore... there is always stuff). I was blown away about what I remembered and that has been cool in itself, because there have been some amazingly cool things that I remembered that happened along the way as well…
And this is something that I will definitely be sharing with my kids as well. I really want them to start doing some of this stuff now, teaching them to let go of stuff that happens along the way. Make it easy, simple and NORMAL for them to do that, so that they don’t get into their 40s with loads of baggage with them AND they will be super good at just letting shit go...
Here’s how I have done it…..
Start Winter time of your cycle (period time).
For those of you who do not get your period anymore or who are on the pill use the lunar cycle to help you - This is the New Moon time
Take the time to think of things that have happened - Just clear your head - believe me things will pop into your head.
I have done this lying in bed at night (if I wake in the night), during a meditation - just choose how you want to do this, during a quiet time you choose, it could be a quiet time with a cuppa….
Then just let it go. Think of the thought and just let it go. Don’t over think it, just let it go.
Use a mantra to help if you need - I just thanked my experience and the learning and let it going saying it no longer served me any more.
I took the time to say how much I love my inner child and told her how awesome I thought she was (and do you know what if you are letting go of stuff that is more recent well damn you can love your self at whatever age you are). So just give yourself some loving and support here - something that we are not always super good at doing - if you find it hard, think how supportive you would be if it was your best friend or one of your children going through something like this and then just give that love and support to yourself.
The other thing I took the time to do was to forgive the person involved. I would just simply think of the person who was involved in the situation I was wanting to let go of and I just said to them - I forgive you - including myself, if it was something that I had done. Remember there is no point holding grudges with people everyone is doing the best they can with the tools they have - so just forgive people (and yourselves) along the way. I love the quote - “Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!!”
So there it is, my little bit of woo-woo, a bit of a share that I would probably come away from thinking, did I really just share that!!!!! But please just take what you want or need from this little post, use it to help you if you need or just let it go if it is not your thing. I just wanted to share how this experience has helped me.
Have an amazing day.
Big love