Women's Health Melanie Swayn Women's Health Melanie Swayn

A little share..

Hey there

I just wanted to share with you all my little changes that I have been making with my "letting go" of stuff. As I have said in earlier posts, one of the big things that has stuck with me while learning about our cycles and also going into perimenopause is about using our cycles to their full potential. The one big thing that I don’t think we learn enough about is letting go of stuff that is no longer any use for us. And that during the “winter’ period of our cycle (when we have our period) is the perfect time to let go of stuff so that we can move into our next cycle without the stuff that we no longer need.

Like anything, it is easy to read about these things but putting them into practice doesn’t always happen. Well this month - probably with the help of some down time with lock down I have been able to put some things into practice.

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