Motivation Melanie Swayn Motivation Melanie Swayn

Are you ready to put into action all of those amazing ideas you had during lockdown?

Did you have some really amazing thoughts of how you wanted your life to look after lock down? Did you get visions of how things could be better? How could you slow your life down? How could you do things a little bit differently?

I am with you my gorgeous peeps. I personally loved lock down and was very privileged to have an amazing experience of slowing all things down during this time. I must admit that I felt a little bit of mourning when my girls went off to school today… I am not ready…. I am going to really miss them.

If you are with me on this and you are ready to make some changes to your life, then now is the time. Now is the time to put into practice the little knocks that have been coming to your door during lock down.

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Motivation Melanie Swayn Motivation Melanie Swayn

Two words to be careful of

Be aware of these two words.....

I know

There have been so many times when I think who am I to help others? Who am I to offer advice? There are so many people out there that are more knowledgeable and more qualified than me. But then I also know that there are MORE people out there that are not listening.

When we look at the stats on diabetes, heart disease, cancer, suicide, depression etc the numbers are sky rocketing. So clearly people are not listening to these knowledgeable people. And if they are listening, if they are taking notice, if they know this stuff they are simply not putting it into practice.

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Motivation Melanie Swayn Motivation Melanie Swayn

Playing above the line

Playing above the line is a concept that I learnt about in my early 30’s. I hadn’t heard about it before, and I guess the majority of the time I was playing above the line, I just didn’t know about it. Although, like anyone there were times (and still are) were I sink down and play below the line. This little guideline for playing above the line was definately the major topic in our Skills for Success progamme last year with around 5 speakers talking about playing above the line (lucky kids to be learning this stuff from the age of 12!).

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