Are you ready to put into action all of those amazing ideas you had during lockdown?
Did you have some really amazing thoughts of how you wanted your life to look after lock down? Did you get visions of how things could be better? How could you slow your life down? How could you do things a little bit differently?
I am with you my gorgeous peeps. I personally loved lock down and was very privileged to have an amazing experience of slowing all things down during this time. I must admit that I felt a little bit of mourning when my girls went off to school today… I am not ready…. I am going to really miss them.
If you are with me on this and you are ready to make some changes to your life, then now is the time. Now is the time to put into practice the little knocks that have been coming to your door during lock down.
You have been able to hear those little ideas and thoughts because you have had the time to listen to them I have spoken to so many friends over the last little while and not one of them has said that they want to go back to being “busy” to being so run down and doing so many things for other people. Not one person my lovelies, not one.
So if you are like me and you don’t want to waste your lock down “gems” then please please please keep reading….
So now we know you have been listening to the calls that have been coming your way.. These calls would have been happening before, you just would have been too busy to hear them. This down time has given us the chance to really listen to what is going on in our lives and what we want to take with us and what we don’t want moving forward.
However in order for us to make changes we need to do something about it… Right???? So let’s get started….
Take some quiet time, with a nice cuppa. Sit down somewhere yummy with no distractions (yes my peeps - turn your phone off!!!) and please write down the following.
If you could create your perfect life, what would that look like?
What would stay in it? What would no longer be there? How long would I work for each week/day? How would I look after myself? Who would I want to spend time with? What would I do with myself? Would I start to learn something new? Would I start a new business? Would I change what I am doing? Would I spend more time with my family, friends, kids? What activities would we do together? What would I do on my own? What habits do I want to instill in my kids? How do I want to live moving forward? Would I create more time for myself? Would I want to lead a healthier life? What do I need to let go of? What is no longer serving me?
If you had no restrictions and knew that you couldn’t fail, what would your life look like????
How did that go for you? Was it easy? Was it hard? Did a whole lot of restrictions come up? I can’t do that, that wouldn’t work…
Well you know what… I don’t give a F…………!!!!!!
Just do the exercise without worrying about the what if’s… What would you do if you had NO RESTRICTIONS, if you knew you could not fail
If you had the chance to recreate your dream life, how would that look….. Write it all down - you can edit later if you need to!!! If you don’t write it down you can’t have it!!!
Great, so now you have got past the stuff that was blocking you, you can now start to put this into action…. Yehaa, let’s do this baby!!! Now is your chance!!!
Look at your list and look at the things that you think you can change now…. What are the small changes that you are going to be able to do right now to make them happen….. Wicked… Write a 1 next to them…
Then focus on the next things that you think you may be able to have implemented into your life in the next 12 months. Write a 2 next to them….. Then I want to you write a 3 next to the rest of the points…..
And there you have it… This is your list, this is the life that you are now going to commit to creating for yourself… you now have something to focus on.. You now have something that you can work towards with some very specific things that you can put into place right now. HOW SUPER EXCITING IS THAT!
Make a commitment to change the things that you can now and have those small wins. Make the changes for those easy things that you have written a 1 next to. Because these are the things that are going to tell you that you can do this and that you are so deserving of living the life that you want to. This will then create space in your world to know that you can create your own amazing life, you can create the exact life you dream of… If you have any doubts with this, go back to my blog post on Playing above the line - Click here
Write this stuff down…. Make the commitment and put these things in your diary. If you are wanting to have more time for you (which I am sure most of you do!!) then please book out time in your diary to make sure it is scheduled. If you don’t schedule it, it wont happen. Make it your non negotiable.. And please trust me, you have the time to do this, you really do.
Next thing, please write out your number 2 items and make a plan - make a focus point of these….. What one thing can I do today that will move me towards achieving these things… Make a commitment everyday that you will do one thing that will move you towards your goals. If you are wanting to get the life you want you need to start getting a little bit precious with your time and thoughts. Ask yourself regularly, is this moving me towards the life I want? AND you guessed it… If it is a no, then you can scrap that from your list of things to do!!!! Commit to doing only the things that are a HELL YES!!!! (and if you have to do some things that you don’t want to for a while, that is OK too, you just need to make a plan on how you can make changes so that these things can move away from your life!!!).
THEN….. Every month go over all of your points and reassess… How are you going with these? Am I regularly doing my 1’s? Am I working towards my 2’s? How many have become a part of my life? What have I achieved? What can I move forward to start working on next?
AND MAKE SURE YOU STOP AND CELEBRATE YOUR WINS! Celebrate your wins before you move on to your next thing!!!!
You want these things to be your focus in order to make them happen. That is how you create the life that you want. Sometimes we don’t always have the how, but believe me that will unfold, that will appear for us along the way. Keep listening to things around you, the people you meet, the things that happen in your life, they are all little messages that are helping us to get to where we want to be. And we have just been so super lucky that we have had some quiet time in our lives to hear some of these knocks…
So with that my gorgeous friends, please STOP.
Please take the time to create the beautiful life that you so deserve.
I really look forward to hearing from you and seeing how your new life is panning out for you. SO EXCITING!!!!
Big love and hugs….