Playing above the line
Playing above the line is a concept that I learnt about in my early 30’s. I hadn’t heard about it before, and I guess the majority of the time I was playing above the line, I just didn’t know about it. Although, like anyone there were times (and still are) were I sink down and play below the line. This little guideline for playing above the line was definately the major topic in our Skills for Success progamme last year with around 5 speakers talking about playing above the line (lucky kids to be learning this stuff from the age of 12!).
I believe that playing above the line helps you to lead to a successful life in all areas, your health included.
Playing above the line is all about ownership– Taking responsibility for the choices we make in our lives and the consequences that come along with them. Our aim is to be LIVING ABOVE THE LINE – The line divides responses – classifying them as above or below the line. None of the decisions/actions that you make below the line move you forward in a positive direction.
This is not rocket science but it does make us really look at the choices that we make and our reactions to situations. Assessing where we are playing at on a regular basis will only help us to get to where we want to be and achieving all that we are wanting to achieve in life.
Playing below the line..
1st below the line response
Blaming other people for the choices we make in our lives
Sending a message to others that everyone else controls my life. Blaming your circumstances for why you couldn’t commit to something.
2nd below the line response
Making excuses for the choices we make in our life
Making excuses for our behaviours and our responses in life - i.e. showing up late to something and making an excuse to justify this – not finishing something you started and making and excuse as to why!
Sending a message that other factors and circumstances are controlling my life!
3rd below the line response
Pretty much telling a lie
Sending a message that you are a liar and that you can’t be trusted – Not a positive message
4th below the line response
Giving up on things that we believe are important to us.
i.e. starting with a health and wellness programme only to quit half way through, setting goals and not striving to finish them!
Sending a message that you just don’t have what is takes
LIVING BELOW THE LINE - If you respond in this way most of the time then you are usually classified as a VICTIM - victims usually have a pretty hard time in life so this is not somewhere we want to spend the majority of our time.
Life has happened to them
Believe that you have no control over the direction or path that life is going on.
Do not understand the term RESPOND-ABILITY
It is really important that we are not too harsh on ourselves here as we have all played below the line from time to time - we are only human after all. It is about recognising that this is what is happening and learning from the experience and moving on.
Playing above the line and RESPOND-ABILITY
In every situation you have the ability to choose how you respond or to choose your behaviours
Respond-ability gives you CHOICES and choices give you POWER
Power to create the life you want for yourself and when you create the life you want you ultimately get more FREEDOM
If you play above the line you are accepting responsibility for your actions and understanding that you have power to create your own life
Players playing below the line give their power and freedom to others and blame it on circumstances!
Remember playing above the line should be your aim for all areas of your life. Learn how to encompass this into mastering your health and wellbeing in order to lead the life you truly deserve.
The link below is my favourite youtube clip on playing above the line - it is only short, but a fun one to watch and cement the ideas.
All the best
Have a great day.
Love Mel