Slip Ups Happen

Hello my gorgeous peeps.

Another day in lock down and we are over the half way mark, which is awesome. Well done everyone...

Today I am grateful for all the down time I am getting (because I am aware that there are others - essential workers - who are not getting down time at the moment). This time is giving me time to think and create as well as spend time with my gorgeous family. THANK you thank you thank you universe for slowing us down..

Tip of the day - Slip ups happen - Move forward with them

So I am pretty stoked with how my health has been coming along in the last while (it has been a full on few years of getting my health back). I am at the point now where I have a pretty good idea of what is happening in my body (the amazing machine that it is!!). If I start to feel myself going off track and a few symptoms come up then I know what to do to get myself back on track.

This is a pretty cool place to be right now...


The last week or so I have been feeling a bit crap. I have had aches in my body that I haven't had for a long time. I am not sleeping well and I even feel nauseous in the middle of the night. AARGH... what is going on...

So last night (when I woke in the middle of the night!!!) I finally put two and two together and figured out what has been happening. Over the last couple of weeks I have been out in the garden and out along our back fences that have been sprayed!!!! Didn't really think about it....

Then the last week or so we have been treating some lovely head lice in our house. And anyone that has used these products knows they are powerful.. Full on chemicals. Well I have been using this and not even thinking about gloves...

My body is very sensitive to chemicals, perfumes and detergents etc. I only use natural/eco products on my body and in the house HOWEVER, I didn't even stop to think about the effect that the other chemicals were having on me.....

Haha until it woke me up too many times.... and my body was going back to survival mode!!!!

So now at least I know and I can do something about it.

Our healing process is a journey, and we will have times when we feel amazing and then times when we don't feel so good. And the beauty of it is, we are learning all the time and we are then able to use that knowledge to get us back on track again to the vibrant health that we so want...

So here's what I am going to do..

  • Oil pull in the mornings - with oregano oil - aids in detoxifying the body

  • Dry body brush and self massage - improve circulation and help drain lymphatic fluid of toxins

  • Do some gentle restorative yoga - Calm the Vata brain and put the body into more of a parasympathetic state of rest.

  • Meditate and visualise healing - Again calming the brain and visualising healing

  • Change my diet back to basics so I am not putting any extra stress on my digestive system - warm cooked, healing foods, lots of soups. Gives the digestive system a break so that the body can focus on healing.

  • Keep up with my Vit C and Zinc intake - Great for healing and a great boost for the immune system

  • Epsom salt bath - Relaxes and calms the nerves as well as well as helps to detoxify the body (would like an infrared sauna but don't have one yet!!!)

  • Continue to take my gut healing protocol - continuing to heal and seal the gut

  • Do a coffee enema (did I just admit that in public!) - dilates bile ducts in your liver and stimulates detoxification

Oh and if I have to work around these chemicals again then I will be wearing gloves!!!! Will try to use other products so that I don't have this issue again - Have always struggled to find a natural alternative for Head Lice that works but I am about to purchase a natural product from my gorgeous friends at Indie and Mae - Will put a link at the bottom of this post for this product.

I know that by doing this my body will heal again and will heal fast because I have the knowledge and tools to help me do that.. I now understand this and can be patient in the healing process.

We will face flare ups and we will face slip backs from time to time, life just happens some times. It is just a gentle tap on the shoulder from our bodies telling us we need to make a few more changes.

Don't get disheartened by them, be gentle on yourself. Listen to the little taps and continue to grow with them rather than waiting for the great big smack around the ears that will come if we don't listen!!!

Hoping today is another amazing day for your all.

Will love and blessings. Mel xx


Stop the Comparing


Letting go of Control