Letting go of Control

Another lovely weekend, with lots accomplished and lots of chilling as well. Still enjoying this lock down for the time we get to have getting things done, chilling and just a change,

Today I am grateful for my gorgeous family that I am surrounded by in lock down. Everyone is stepping up to help out and really shining, I am really enjoying spending time together.

Tip of the day - Let go of Control

I went to my favourite Osteo a few weeks ago and she told me that some of the issues I had in my body were due to “Control” issues, and that I needed to let go of control over things. Of course at the time I denied it and thought, nah, I don’t want to have control over everything. It wasn’t until a couple of days later that I realised it was amazing how much I do try to control.

I am not sure whether it is a mother thing or not but I did have to laugh when I thought about the things I want for my children and how I want them to do well etc. I am thinking and planning for them all the time (most of the time without them even knowing)..

YES that is control right there…..

Instead of just having complete faith that things are going to be fine and that they are going to turn out just as they are meant to turn out!!!! Of course putting in the things that need to happen BUT not harping on about them all the time. Give guidance and help where needed and then just let things be.

Easier said than done right…. BUT at least recognising that has been a really important turn around for me.

The other thing I noticed with my “control” issues was with my health. I have had a massive year working on my health (well a massive 4 really but this last year has been the pinnacle of getting things really on track). I really feel like I am doing all the right things for my health and wellbeing….. AND my control comes into play when I have something that happens that is not my “perfect health picture” and I get all pissed that it is not where I want it to be


Instead of thanking my body for the amazing healing that it is currently doing and has done over the last few years, I get grumpy because there is still work to be done!!!! It is time to accept that where we are is JUST fine thank you and enjoy the journey of what we are learning and going through at the time…

And of course remembering as well that we do not have any control over how other people react or see things. It is not our job to try and control others. They are each on their own journey and doing the best they can with the tools they have at the time. So stop stressing about how others are reacting and doing things around you.

Look after yourself and shine bright as you, the rest will follow!!

So thanks to my osteo and her wonderful insights into this I have now been able to see things for what they are…

For those of you who are interested… Bladder issues are a sign of control

For all of you Louise Hay fans when I looked up Bladder issues she quoted - “I comfortably and easily release the old and welcome the new in my life. I am safe”

So lets all stop trying to control how we think things should be and welcome what comes into our lives. LIFE IS GOOD - no matter what the situation.

Have an amazing day.... Mel xxx


Slip Ups Happen


Keep Exercising