Nutrition Melanie Swayn Nutrition Melanie Swayn

What the heck should I be eating?

Not really sure whether you should be eating something or not? Can your friends and family eat certain things that just make you feel yuck when you try them? The latest fad diet doesn’t seem to sit well with you???

Your body is always giving you lots of signs about what it is loving and what it is not enjoying so much and I want to help you to decipher these little messages a little bit easier.

So other than teaching you to follow a certain diet, I want you to be able to decipher what works best for you. Now, I am not going back to basics, we all pretty much know that we need to be eating lots of fruit and veg and protein, carbs and now I hope you all know that fat is good right (good fat I mean!!!). What I want to cover today is food sensitivities that are causing inflammation in your body…

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Meditation Melanie Swayn Meditation Melanie Swayn

Miraculous Meditation

Not sure whether meditation is a thing for you? Think you are too busy to carve out some time in your day to meditate? If you think that meditation is just another woo-woo thing that people are doing.. Think again, there is now lots of scientific evidence showing us the amazing benefits meditation can bring.

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Melanie Swayn Melanie Swayn

Slip Ups Happen

Hello my gorgeous peeps.

Another day in lock down and we are over the half way mark, which is awesome. Well done everyone...

Today I am grateful for all the down time I am getting (because I am aware that there are others - essential workers - who are not getting down time at the moment). This time is giving me time to think and create as well as spend time with my gorgeous family. THANK you thank you thank you universe for slowing us down..

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