Nutrition Melanie Swayn Nutrition Melanie Swayn

What the heck should I be eating?

Not really sure whether you should be eating something or not? Can your friends and family eat certain things that just make you feel yuck when you try them? The latest fad diet doesn’t seem to sit well with you???

Your body is always giving you lots of signs about what it is loving and what it is not enjoying so much and I want to help you to decipher these little messages a little bit easier.

So other than teaching you to follow a certain diet, I want you to be able to decipher what works best for you. Now, I am not going back to basics, we all pretty much know that we need to be eating lots of fruit and veg and protein, carbs and now I hope you all know that fat is good right (good fat I mean!!!). What I want to cover today is food sensitivities that are causing inflammation in your body…

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Nutrition Melanie Swayn Nutrition Melanie Swayn

Healing your relationship with food

Food is such an emotional thing. We are all attached to food in someway, whether it is looking at food and thinking it is going to make you fat, whether you don’t care about it at all and you eat whatever you like, whether you have dietary restrictions, forced or chosen, foods being used as a reward system, there are so many different emotional feelings that go with food.

I must admit that I do offer people other changes in their lifestyle sometimes as there is no emotional attachment to some of these other things BUT we can not move far from our food. Food can be one of the simplest and easiest ways to heal your body - however healing your relationship with food and what it means to you will help you to nourish your beautiful temple with all it needs.

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