Miraculous Meditation

Not sure whether meditation is a thing for you? Think you are too busy to carve out some time in your day to meditate? If you think that meditation is just another woo-woo thing that people are doing.. Think again, there is now lots of scientific evidence showing us the amazing benefits meditation can bring.

Meditation has been something that I have done for a while and then stopped, been the thing that falls off my radar after a while.. It is just so easy to let it go.. But over the past year I have made a much bigger effort to make it part of my daily life. Meditating for 20 minutes in the morning is now my “norm”. I haven’t started meditating at night time but that is only a matter of time… And don’t let the 20 minute thing put you off. You do not need to start with 20 minutes. 5 minutes will offer you benefits as well….

Meditation is like a magic tonic that calms the mind. It has the ability to rewire the brains circuity and enhance positive emotions, it has been scientifically proven to calm the mind and de-stress the body. Here is a list of the things that meditation can help with.

  • Decreases anxiety and panic attacks

  • Decreases depression

  • Induces the relaxation response

  • Helps to improve sleep and insomnia

  • Helps to regulate blood pressure

  • Increases your ability to be in the present moment

  • Increases creativity

  • Increases life satisfaction

  • Decreases pain in the body

  • Increases productivity

  • Increases healthy behaviours

  • Increases telomerase an enzyme that delays the onset of aging (linked to Alzheimer’s)

  • Increases energy

  • Aids in memory and focus

  • Decreases anger and hostility

  • Increase ability to cope with life

  • Increases the brains ability to process information

WOW, just wow…….

A simple step to help you with all of these things… it is almost like a magic pill really…. The only catch is….

You still have to do it. You still have to book the time out in your day in order to sit down and just be. It takes persistence, dedication and commitment to do. You are the only person that can get yourself to the mat and commit to your meditation practice. You are the only person who can let go of the excuses for not meditating and make a commitment to this wonderful tool. OMG, it is SOOO worth it.. I can’t recommend it enough.

So if you are wanting to quiet the mind and all the endless chatter that is in your head. Whether that chatter is negative or positive, your head is just busy! Our heads are having so many thoughts each day that having a tool to calm the mind and reset it can be nothing but AWESOME..

So lets start…

  • Make meditation a non negotiable

  • Create a time and a habit to meditate

  • STICK TO IT - plan out the time in your diary (even if you only carve out 5 mins twice per day!!!)

  • Get a friend to do it with you - have an accountability partner (may as well bring them along for the ride as well)

  • Join a group - online or in person

  • Listen to a guided meditation - there are so many online - Also great at night for relaxation

  • Invite the kids to join in as well - may as well get them started with this amazing health tool

Now stop what you are doing and get your butt on the floor and just start!!!

Now, I actually always struggled to sit on the floor with my legs crossed - (the first picture that comes to mind when someone is meditating) so I just changed it up. Sometimes I sit on a chair (no way, not sit on a chair!!!) and mostly now I sit on a bolster - that is just way more comfy for me. In other words - just get comfy…. Have a nice straight spine and gently tuck your chin in.

Close your eyes… and let the magic begin.

I like to start with focusing on my breath… I usually start with 5 breaths in and 7 out..

Start by counting each breath, this will give you something to focus on - rather than the thoughts that come into you mind…

NOW - just so you know.. Thoughts are part of meditation - just because you have thoughts doesn’t mean you are not meditating. As a beginner your brain will start to wander off with your thoughts - that is OK, practice gently releasing your thoughts and bringing your concentration back to your breath. The more you meditate the easier this will get.

Viola - as easy as can be - you are now meditating.

So my gorgeous peeps with all of the amazing benefits meditation has to offer surely you owe it to yourself to stop and just breath for a while. Make the commitment - you will not regret it.. Start small - start with 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes at night. Move onto more when you are ready. And don’t forget there are lots of people doing this online that can help you…

Some of my favourites are listed below. See what you like (and what you don’t) it is a personal choice, you will find your groove as to what suits you, which voice you like or don’t. I hope that these may just help you to get started.. Do your own research and learning when yo find what works best for you.

  • One giant mind This is the first app that I had on my phone for meditation. A great start.

  • Join Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey for 21 days free meditation

  • Yoga Glo has many meditations to choose from - you can start with their free trial period

  • Melissa Ambrosini a cool programme of meditations she has created - you do have to pay for these, although she does have a few freebies on her website Click here for a freebie

Enjoy, I really hope you make the commitment to include meditation into your life, it brings such amazing life changing results, it really is a no brainer.

I look forward to catching up with you and finding out how meditation has helped you.

With love, joy, blessing and gratitude.




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