Choose your words and thoughts carefully
Hello my gorgeous peeps. I hope you have had an amazing "lock down" Easter and that you got to do some chilling with your family and I hope that the Easter Bunny made it to your place!.
Today I am grateful for my garden and that I managed to pick a lovely load of foliage and make a bit of a cool arrangement - haha something I thought I could get better at during lock down (flower arranging).
Todays Tip - Choose your words and thoughts carefully
Be careful what you wish for. Is that a familiar phase for you all. Well it should be, because what we wish for sure can come true.
Focusing on the words we use and the thoughts we have are a really important part of becoming who we want to be. If we want to be and do all the things that we are passionate about then we do not have room in our heads and mouths for things that are going to pull us down. It is an easy trap to fall into but something that we can get through with a little bit of practice and determination.
I have times when I am saying terrible things about myself or about my health and surprise surprise things don't get any better. I used to drive to my job saying - I don't want to be there, I don't enjoy it.... blah blah blah. Well no surprises when my health turned to crap and all of a sudden I couldn't be there because I felt like crap - it is not rocket science really.
The times in my life when things have been flowing really well and things have just seemed to be falling into place are the times when I am thinking and talking so positively. Sometimes this comes naturally but other times it can feel like it is just well, hard work.
So I have made a commitment that I am going to include positive affirmations into my daily life from now on. I have tried numerous times to do affirmations and to write down things and to be honest with you, this is not something that I am very good at continuing with. I do it for a while and then things go well again so I just forget about them. I find that when I am doing these and I stick to them, then I am in a place where I do get what I want - because that is what I am focusing on at the time.
The problem then comes when I feel great and feel in a great space, I then stop doing the things that got me there..... So my new realisation while I have been in lock down is that I need to make this a part of my daily life. Make it simple so that it sticks.
Here is how I am going to introduce more positive affirmations into my life.
Use affirmations before I journal in the mornings.
Use affirmations at the end of my meditation.
Have affirmations that I read before I sit down at my computer for the day.
Have affirmations that I do just before I go to bed (would ideally do this with a night meditation but I haven't quite got to 2 meditations per day yet).
So that is my commitment for now..
I am not one of those people who plaster affirmations all over the place for all to see. I find them to be quite a personal thing, that I don't always want to share. So I just have them in my book for journalling that I can read through, and I also have it in my monthly cycle tracking book so that they are always there for me to see each day. They are in handy places and I can just have a quick look at them when I am scheduled to do them.
I know that this can all be a bit woo-woo and you are probably either into them or you are not. BUT if we have a choice of what we are saying to ourselves and what we are thinking then why not put the positive vibes in/out there.
None of this is new of course, hopefully just a little reminder to take a check on what we are telling our beautiful selves!
There are all sorts of ways to do your affirmations and it might be just that you talk through your head and do them, it may be that you have them written down or that you like to write them out each day. Whatever works for you is great.
A couple of helpful tips
Just commit to it.
Allocate a time/times to read your affirmations and stick to that time.
You will come up with lots of excuses as to why you don't want to or can't do it. Don't listen to these excuses, consistency is what counts.
If you can write them down then you will get so much more traction with them.
If you need to get someone to hold you accountable for it, then get a buddy to do it with each day.
Keep going. Don't be complacent and stop when the going gets good....
If we come out of a place of lack and fear we can end up wishing for things that just don't happen, and we find ourselves still in the place for lack and fear so when choosing your affirmations come from a place of love and abundance.
Practice makes perfect my peeps, so this is what I am going to do. Commit to it and keep practicing.
I hope this was helpful for those of you who are wanting to start doing affirmations.
Let me know how you are getting on with it and make sure you hold me accountable for my commitment as well..
Have another awesome day.
Mel xx