Learning to accept exactly where you are now, may just be what your body needs to heal…

Sometimes you get that aha moment when you have a realisation that just makes so much sense.

I was at my Osteo the other day and she was talking about the inner fight we have that makes us want to be better, for things to be different, how we are not very good at accepting what is going on in our lives or our bodies, how we are always striving for more, for better for things to be different and the havoc that this can cause in our beautiful temples.

I know that I am guilty of this with my health, if I have a bad day and feel like crap it is easy to say, really, why is this happening? I do all this good stuff, why do I now feel like crap?. Instead of understanding that my body needs to be where it is at the moment and that everything is happening just as it should be, I keep asking… why do I feel like crap? Why am I feeling sick? Why after all that I am doing do I still feel yuck? (haha and my body will answer these questions right!!!! Ask dumb questions get dumb answers!!) So I am living in a constant state of pushing against my body, I am always fighting what is happening inside my body… HOWEVER, if I was to just trust that everything was OK then I wouldn’t be having this internal fight all the time. I would be coming from a place knowing that everything is OK just as it is.

That internal fighting that is constantly going on is me battling all of the time and that is causing damage in itself. It is causing cortisol to rise as my body thinks it needs to fight something, it puts my hormones out of whack and makes it hard work for my adrenals. It is causing inflammation and havoc within my body……. haha exactly what I am trying to get rid of!!!! HAHA, isn’t life a funny old thing!

So accepting that my body knows best and that I am doing everything I can to put it in a position to heal is all that I can do….. Trust….. To come from a place of love rather than fear, rather than a place of something is not right and I need to fix it! I could ask better questions like, what would you like me to do now to help me heal???? Now that would create a better answer!!!

Accepting the fears, the emotions and feelings that we have fall in the same category. We so often will feel an emotion and cut it off… Instead of going.. hey it is OK to be angry and let your body feel that, you will move on from that very quickly without the internal battle. It is OK be be fearful, it is OK to be angry, it is OK to be sad….. They are just emotions - let your body feel them and then move on. They are neither good nor bad, it is the stories around them that make them and issue. Give your body permission to feel these emotions and then let them go… Don’t harbour them, don’t make a big thing out of them… Just let them go…

I am reading another awesome book at the moment - Do Less by Kate Northrup. One of the things that she said really stuck with me this morning. She talks about coming across the same lessons in life time and time again. Whether that is dealing with past hurts or things that are currently going on in your life and sometimes we end up getting so wound up about it. Didn’t I deal with that 10 - 20 years ago, why does it still keep coming up……….. And what she talks about is how we are now dealing with this hurt or this thing from a different point of view. 20 years down the track and we are dealing with it at a different level of consciousness from when we dealt with it before. It is like peeling back an onion, once you start there is so much more to uncover. And each time we delve deeper we are coming at it from a new perspective with different life experiences and different learnings. We will get new insights and new wisdom from going through it again later on.

So my aha moment this morning was just to accept what our body/life is throwing at you. Don’t fight it as this just makes your body have to work even harder. You are exactly where you are meant to be and by accepting this we surrender to the greater good for ourselves and for everyone around us. We let our body’s feel what is going on without coming from a place of fear and anxiety, we accept that it is OK to have these feelings. We accept that we are always learning and always evolving, so, even when we come across the same thing time and time again, we are coming from a place of more learning, more experience and more wisdom.. Do all that you can to lead a vibrant, healthy and loving life and then just let it all unfold!!!

So, please be gentle on yourself, let your body and life unfold as it is meant to and know that everything is going to be OK.

Have the most amazing day…




Aargh, when life gets a bit busy and you seem to be juggling too many balls….


How to come from a place of kindness when all we want to do is yell and scream!!